“Overcoming Obstacles to Create Community” is an initiative of the Women’s Voices’ Racial Justice Committee. Each month, we’ll provide timely, concrete ideas and suggestions you can include in your daily lives.
December – Money Matters
The last month of the year is traditionally a time of giving. During the previous 11 months, Overcoming Obstacles to Create Community has mainly suggested that you give your time, your talent, your understanding and your imagination. Now it’s appropriate to remember that none of the obstacles to hate, intolerance, fear and racism can really be overcome without money. You may want to consider a year-end gift to one of these worthy St. Louis organizations:
- Arch City Defenders. Arch City Defenders is a holistic legal advocacy organization that combats the criminalization of poverty and state violence, especially in communities of color.
- Jobs With Justice. Missouri Jobs With Justice is a coalition of community, labor, student and faith-based groups and individuals working to build transformative power for social, racial and economic justice.
- Beyond Housing. Beyond Housing is a comprehensive community development organization that helps municipalities become better places to live. This organization founded the 24:1 initiative in the Normandy School District.
- Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. This organization provides free civil legal services for low-income Missourians.
- A Red Circle. This organization was founded to address racial inequity in the North St. Louis County region, A primary focus is on healthy food and agricultural sustainability. During the COVID-19 crisis, A Red Circle pivoted to provide direct services to families in need in North County.
- Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice. A grassroots, volunteer-driven education and advocacy organization, Women’s Voices programs provide timely, accurate information on a variety of social justice issues. Programs are always open to the public, free of charge. Current emphasis is on common-sense gun solutions and racial justice.
These are just a few of the worthy organizations in St. Louis that need financial contributions to enhance their work. If you are able, be generous. It will help achieve what we all want: a better, inclusive, healthier, more loving and more just community for all of us in St. Louis.