Women’s Voices Trans Youth Health Care Bans Statement
March 2, 2023
Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice strongly opposes the Missouri legislature’s dangerous threats to children’s access to health care through bills SB49 (Moon), SB 164 (Carter), and SB 236 (Hoskins). These bills would ban lifesaving, medically necessary healthcare for transgender youth. They also represent egregious attacks on health care professionals providing medically necessary care and on the independent decision-making rights of parents and families to choose the best care for their children.
The American Academy of Pediatricians, The American Academy of Nursing, the American Psychological Association, and The National Association of Social Workers along with 20 other professional medical associations recognize the medical necessity of gender dysphoria treatments and endorse such treatments.
Please call Missouri legislators and remind them of the necessity of access to health care for ALL youth, especially gender-affirming care for transgender youth. Let them know the government should stay out of the personal health care decisions families make for their children’s physical and emotional wellbeing.