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Lunch & Learn with Chris Krehmeyer
September 15, 2020
What do low- and moderate-income families face when looking for homes in St. Louis? Longtime family housing and community development leader Chris Krehmeyer shared his perspectives on opportunities and obstacles to affordable housing. Watch below or read a summary here.
Bringing the Ballot to You: Voting During a Pandemic & Beyond
September 10, 2020
Speakers:Eric Fey, Democratic Director of Elections in St. Louis County; Aquene Freechild, Co-Director, Democracy Is for the People Campaign; Jennifer S. Lohman, Director, St. Louis Area Voter Protection Coalition; League of Women Voters Elections Committee Member
Our speakers, experts in voting rights and advocacy, gave us a to-do list showing how we can protect our constitutional right to vote, especially during a pandemic in which more people will be voting from home:
Watch below or read a summary here.
Reimagining Public Safety
August 13, 2020
The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department had an average of 17.9 police killings per million residents in the years 2013-2019, compared to the national average of 4.6. Wesley Bell, Prosecuting Attorney of St. Louis County & Jamala Rogers, co-chair of the Coalition Against Police Crimes & Repression laid out their vision for changing the policies that have not succeeded in making people safe.
Watch below or read a summary here.
Lunch & Learn with Percy Green: Lessons from a Legend
July 21, 2020
St. Louis activist Percy Green inspired participants with his advice on how people of all ages can protest injustice.
Watch below or read a summary here.
The Dollars & the Sense of Medicaid Expansion
July 9, 2020
Mikel Whittier, MHA, Coalitions Director for Yes on 2: Healthcare for Missouri, spoke in support of Missouri’s Amendment 2, explaining its many benefits to Missourians and the state.
Watch below or read a summary here.
Heartland for Human Justice Vigil in Lawton, Oklahoma
August 1, 2019
Women’s Voices members joined a group from partner coalition, Heartland for Human Justice, to protest family separation in Lawton, Oklahoma, home of Fort Sill. Read more about the trip here.
Watch the vigil, held at Lawton Heights United Methodist Church.
Watch the continuation of the vigil, in front of the Fort Sill sign, to show solidarity.
Visionary Voices: A Candid Conversation with Brittany Packnett
June 13, 2019
Women’s Voices and the Tuesday Women’s Association of the Ethical Society of St. Louis co-hosted a candid conversation with Brittany Packnett and moderator, Shirley Washington, Fox 2 News Anchor and host of The Pulse of St. Louis. Read more about the program and Packnett here. Watch clips from the event below.
Growing Up in St. Louis
Brittany Packnett discusses her personal experience growing up in St. Louis.
What made you fearful growing up?
Brittany Packnett discusses what made her fearful growing up.
MBJ Ferguson Uprising
Brittany Packnett recalls what followed the shooting of Michael Brown, Jr. in Ferguson, MO.
How do we change the system?
Brittany Packnett discusses how we can advocate for change with elected officials.
Close the Workhouse
Brittany Packnett discusses the need to close St. Louis City’s Medium Security Institution (MSI), known commonly as “the Workhouse.”
Ally, Accomplice, Co-conspirator
Brittany Packnett gives her advice to white allies.
Visionary Voices: A Candid Conversation with Brittany Packnett – Full program presented at The Ethical Society, June 13, 2019 – video 1 1/2 hours
Brittany Packnett speaks to group of Women’s Voices donors and leaders of partner organizations, June 13, 2019.
Remember the children killed by gun violence in Missouri 2017.
Rev. Traci Blackmon’s closing Remarks at Women’s Voices program May 11, 2017
Rev. Traci Blackmon’s opening remarks at Women’s Voices program May 11, 2017.
Simply Lock It For Love PSA video May, 2016
Demonstration video on how to lock a firearm. The video is part of the “Lock It For Love” initiative. April, 2016
“Simply Lock It For Love” an original video featuring Women’s Voices members which discusses the importance of gun safety and includes a demonstration from St. Louis Metropolitan Police Captain Janice Bockstruck on how to lock a gun. The video is part of the “Lock It For Love” initiative. April, 2016
September 29, 2015 Barbara Finch, co-chair Common-Sense Gun Solutions committee, responds to idea that gun vans be used to store guns during events in downtown St. Louis. She tells KSDK Channel 5 why this is a bad idea. See interview here.
August 30, 2015 Women’s Voices distributed free gun locks at a prayer vigil for the 21 month old child who shot himself with an unsecured gun. Barbara Finch was interviewed on Channel 2, Fox News. See the interview here.
August 26, 2015, following the news of the death of a 21 month old child who shot himself, KMOV TV interviewed Women’s Voices president Lise Bernstein and gave information about the Lock it For Love program. See the interview here.
On Saturday, August 22, 2015 president Lise Bernstein was interviewed by KMOV TV about our Lock It for Love gun safety and gun lock distribution program. See here
In May, 2015, Women’s Voices president Lise Bernstein was named a St. Louis Woman of Achievement for social justice. You may see a video featuring the honorees here. Lise’s portion begins at about 3 minutes 44 seconds.
On March 16, 2015 Women’s Voices introduced the “Lock It For Love” initiative to area law enforcement officials. Barbara Finch, co-chair of the Campaign for Common Sense Gun Solutions spoke. Lock it For Love Introduction.