
Rally with Women’s Voices for the National John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Action Day

Voting rights and racial justice supporters have partnered with national leaders and cities across the country to host the National John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Action Day on Saturday, May 8, 2021 in St. Louis. The scheduled events include a national broadcast, followed by a local press conference and a “Votercade” Parade. The Action Day concludes with the Celebration Village, where voting rights advocates will conduct teach-ins and lead advocacy actions to help participants contact their federal delegation.
The purpose of the event is to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of democracy by supporting the For the People Act (S1), The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR4), D.C. statehood, and eliminating the filibuster as a barrier to preserving voting rights. These Acts create a pathway to voting for everyone and protections against current law designed to suppress the vote in targeted communities, particularly Black and Brown communities.
Schedule of Events
  • 1 p.m. Rally at Sumner High School
    Arrive with your car decorated. We will have a limited selection to add to your decor!
  • 2 p.m. Votercade
    The votercade will leave from Sumner High School, drive through nearby neighborhoods, and return to this location by 3 p.m.
  • 3 p.m. Celebration Village
    Food trucks, postcard writing and other family-friendly activities will be available in Tandy Park, across the street from Sumner High School.

Register here to let Women’s Voices know you’re coming. We’ll send you details about where to meet prior to the votercade to gather with other Women’s Voices members and decorate your car.

The organizers of this event are also requesting that participants register for this event here.