Racial Justice Movie Club
Raising Awareness of Racial Justice
The Racial Justice Movie club is currently on hiatus.
Questions? Email Becky Clausen, Racial Justice Book Club facilitator.
Up Next
Past Selections
Cooked: Survival by Zip Code on PBS here or on Youtube here
Dolly Chugh, “The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias”
Heather McGhee discusses her book: The Sum of Us
The Politics of Racial Resentment and the Cost to Health with Jonathan M. Metzl, author of Dying of Whiteness
Isabel Wilkerson discusses her book, Caste, with Bryan Stevenson
Holy Hierarchy: The Religious Roots of Racism in America
Dr. Rhea Boyd on “Pandemics + Policing + Protest”
Trust Me Documentary available free through Kanopy with your library card