Women’s Voices Volunteers Map the Vote

Help Register Voters with Women’s Voices & Map the Vote

MapTheVote is a great way to make sure that your family, friends, neighbors, and everyone else are registered to vote. It uses publicly available data to map locations that are likely to have unregistered, eligible voters. Log in at https://mapthe.vote/ to locate potential voters; drop prepared packets containing voter registration forms and informational flyers at unregistered voters’ doors; and help register voters in a contactless, COVID-safe way.

1.) Please visit https://mapthe.vote/ to register, pick the location you’d like to canvas and identify the number of homes within the delivery area that you will cover. Once you have identified the number of packets you would like to request, please proceed with this form to request packets from Women’s Voices.

2.) Sign up here to request packets below by Friday, September 11
Packets will be available for contactless pick up after Tuesday, September 15

3.)Commit to delivering packets no later than Sunday, September 27
We will give you everything you need to leave at a potential voter’s door. Detailed instructions about packet pickup and how to use Map The Vote will be sent after September 11.

Please contact Michele Steinberg at voting@womensvoicesraised.org with questions.

Donate here to cover the costs of printing and stamps.